Tuesday, September 4, 2007

it wasn't worth the effort..

"Seeing with your brain as opposed to just your physical eyes, is just one category. The kids also learn ways to make images/maps in their brain to help them remember what they read, they learn about their organs (stomach, liver, etc.) as well as their energy system, they learn how to overcome their obstacles and work with others, they learn how to be positive-- HSP and Brain Education include all the good stuff that I'm sure can be found in other programs and activities as well. But when I was in elementary school, I never learned about the different parts of my brain or what they did. I was never instilled with an awareness and sensitivity to my brain and how I could develop the ability to control the activity of my brain so that it would be easier for me to achieve what I wanted--better grades, a better relationship with my family and friends, an easier time learning a new sport... There was nothing in my school curriculum that taught me to believe in what my brain could do..."

So I started writing this post on that Boston Magazine website.. and then I decided not to post it. I think I've put some pretty substantial positive information, and I feel like at this point, it should be enough to convince rational people that Dahn Yoga is not some evil cult, that Ilchi Lee is truly a figure to be respected, etc. etc. Some of the posts that anti-Dahn people are putting up.. well. I can say they speak for themselves, so I don't think it would be worth the effort to keep putting up different posts and argue..

I think there's enough there now, especially with the information about KIBS having UN NGO status (consultative~!) that people who are rational will do their own investigation before making incorrect assumptions.

I just wish Ilchi Lee didn't have to deal with all this nonsense. There's already so much to do as it is...

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