Tuesday, September 11, 2007

HSP Ranch - a place of hope

I took this picture of HSP Ranch last year. Isn't it breathtaking? Ilchi Lee is always thinking about his jejas... I know he thinks about their future more than they think about it themselves.. what they're going to do, where they're going to be. I can't think of anyone else who puts in so much effort to make everyone happy.

What's strange to me is... why is it okay in Christianity or Buddhism to have disciples, but when a non-religious organization has people in that relationship, suddenly people think it's a cult? I just don't understand how there can be so, so much fear in people. I mean... what's the absolute worst that could happen? Death? I say there are many fates far worse than death. Like living without a dream... or watching your loved ones suffer. I have a deep, inherent love for all humanity. So I cannot watch anyone suffer. It's just too painful. That's why I throw myself into this work with such passion. I want to share the peace and hope and happiness and wholeness that I've found, at least starting with those who are interested in having it for themselves. Is that so bad? And the person who showed me how, the one who showed me the way, I call him my revered teacher. But that doesn't mean I don't have a mind of my own. It doesn't suddenly turn me into some brainwashed, victimized, pitiful creature.
Time and time again I'm struck by the realization that life is mostly difficulty and struggle and hardship, punctuated by occasional bouts of happiness. Hence. Life is suffering.

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