Sunday, June 29, 2008

random stuff i wanted to keep
Baby Pudge Won't Budge
by Martica Heaner, M.A., M.Ed., for MSN Health & Fitness

Q: I gained 50 pounds during my last pregnancy five years ago, and still have not been able to lose the last 12 pounds. I am in my late 30s, am 5-foot-2 and 130 pounds. How many calories should I be eating? I am fairly active, but I am only able to workout a couple of times a week.
A: First the bad news: Several factors may make it difficult for you to get back to where you were pre-pregnancy. When you gain weight, the longer you keep it on, the harder it can be to lose. That’s because the body seems hardwired to favor fat gain. Once a certain fat level has been maintained for a period of time (no one knows just how long), the body perceives that to be normal and fights to maintain it.
As you start to lose that extra bulk, different physiological systems kick in to encourage weight re-gain. Hormones and neurotransmitters that regulate how active you are, how hungry or full you feel or how you metabolize energy may be affected in ways that make the fat come back. This is why so many people go on diet after diet but usually put the weight back on.
All is not doomed, however, because there are plenty of people who’ve successfully kept weight off. But it requires more commitment and diligence than many people are prepared to make. Weight control should be considered a long-term lifestyle approach rather than simply a quick fix, where you go on a diet for a period of time and then revert back to pre-diet, weight-promoting behaviors.
How much you exercise is crucial in both losing weight in a healthy way and keeping it off for the long term. If you can only workout a couple of times a week, that may not be enough. The current recommendations for exercise are that most people should get at least 30 minutes every day of moderate activity (and this can be broken up into shorter chunks). However, the benefits gained from this amount are primarily in terms of health, such as decreased risks of conditions like heart disease.
To lose weight or maintain weight loss, research shows that most people need to do at least 60 to 90 minutes of moderate exercise nearly every day. Yes, it sounds like a lot, but, again, you can get it in chunks. If you are highly active, running around all day, parking in the farthest spaces, taking the stairs at every opportunity, etc., you can clock up the requisite calorie burn without too much trouble. (People who are out of shape should aim for smaller time periods and gradually work up to the quota. Don’t overdo it.)
There is no exact science to determine your precise calorie needs, outside of being tested in a lab, but here’s a formula that many nutritionists use to figure a person’s energy requirements:
For women, multiply 0.9 by your current weight in kilograms (to covert pounds to kilograms, divide your pound weight by 2.2). Multiply that number by 24 (men should multiply their kilogram weight by 1 rather than 0.9).
Let’s use you as an example. If you are 130 pounds, you weigh 59 kilograms. So 59 x 0.9 is 53; multiply 53 by 24 and you get 1,276. Now you need to account for the additional calories you burn by being active. This estimate can vary. If you are slightly active, multiply this number by 1.2 or 1.4. If you are moderately active, multiply this by 1.8. You sound highly active, so then multiply by the activity factor of 1.8. This shows that you need about 2,298 calories a day to maintain your present weight. In theory, if you eat more than 2,298 calories per day you will gain; if you eat less you will lose. (Keep in mind that this is not foolproof. Other physiological or genetic factors may also affect whether you gain or lose.)
To determine what your calorie count to lose weight, first pick a theoretical desired weight loss. The most you should aim to lose is two pounds a week, but it might be more realistic and easy to live with losing at a slower rate, say one to one-and-a-half pounds a week. (The slower and lower your weight loss, the more likely it will be permanent fat loss.)
One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. In theory, if you eat that much extra you'll gain a pound; if you burn off that much through exercise or by decreasing that amount in your diet, you'll lose a pound. One and a half pounds per week is 5,250 calories. So to lose 1.5 pounds a week, you need to cut out 750 calories daily.
Subtract your daily energy needs by 750. That means you need to eat about 1,548 calories a day to lose about 1.5 pounds a week.
The calories you burn from exercise can contribute to this equation. If you burn 300 calories from a one-hour daily walk, you could cut out just 450 calories a day and still stay on track to achieve this weight loss. Or you could cut out 750 from foods and allow the extra exercise burn to speed up the process. (But keep in mind, aiming for fast loss is not the best long-term approach.)
In the end, you need to find an exercise program that you can stick with for the rest of your life. And the same goes for diet. A crazy diet may produce dramatic short-term results, but if it’s not a healthy way of eating that you can sustain, you’re likely to gain the weight back when you inevitably slip back into old eating habits. So stay realistic, make small, achievable goals and stick to them. And don’t forget to schedule more and more calorie-burning activity into your life. Good luck!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


broken record warning-- "wow, what happened to the past, like, 3 weeks?"

well. let's see..... this and that.

after translating for byukwoon sunsanim during the last week of may, and going through all my stuff the first week of june... i was in and out of mago garden, translating, etc...

and then..


i drove to new york. from sedona, arizona.

yeperooni. it was a whole 36 hours of driving time alone.
alone meaning just the time i was driving, and alone meaning i was the only one in my car.
i wrote all these blog entries in my head while i was driving, but then i never got around to actually typing them out..

and it doesn't look like it's gonna happen right this second, either..

*sigh oh well.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

words that i like (my new net-based scratch paper)

(in no particular order, and for my reference)

compelling articulate engaged involve implement

insecurities validation

inexorable movement of time


Friday, June 6, 2008

today is friday

From Way of the Peaceful Warrior, by Dan Millman:

An old man and his son worked a small farm, with only one horse to pull the plow. One day, the horse ran away.
"How terrible," sympathized the neighbors. "What bad luck."
"Who knows whether it is bad luck or good luck," the farmer replied.
A week later, the horse returned from the mountains, leading five wild mares into the barn.
"What wonderful luck!" said the neighbors.
"Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?" answered the old man.
The next day, the son, trying to tame one of the horses, fell and broke his lg.
"How terrible. What bad luck!"
"Bad luck? Good luck?"
The army came to all the farms to take the young men for war, but the farmer's son was of no use to them, so he was spared.
"Good? Bad?"

* * *

heh. it makes me chuckle.

오늘은 오랜만에 조금만 걷고 뛰었다.
벨락까지 가는 길이 1.1 마일이라던데...
역시 다리보다는 심장과 폐가 먼저 힘들어하더라.
그래도.. 오랜만에 몸도 움직여주고. 좋았다.
간도.. 그리고 장도 느껴지고.
바람도 살며시 불고..

요즘에 세도나에 길 공사하느라고 트래일 입구들이 다 막힌거 같아.
거이 Village of Oak Creek까지 가서야 벨락 트래일 중에 하나가 시작하는 곳이 있더라.

이제는 무릅도 조금만 더 있으면 다 나아질 것 같고..


i've mentioned before.. somewhere, once upon a time.
i thought about what makes us laugh, and the conclusion i came to was.. 1) what's familiar, 2) what's absurd... and charles said, way back when, that it was the unexpected-- if charlie chaplin falls into the manhole, it's not that funny. but when he steps over the manhole and slips on a banana peel--that's funny.
but i think we laugh at things we recognize, when we think, yeah, i know!!
and at things that are just ridiculous.

anyway. oftentimes ilchi lee says things that are just so familiar, and so true, and that totally make you laugh!

i was thinking about mortality... ilchi lee has been speaking a lot about successful aging lately, and you can't talk about successful aging without addressing the issue of death.

it's like he says..

everybody knows--if you were born, you're gonna die.

but it's so true...

if you say to somebody (heaven forbid, an older person!!), you're going to die, chances are they're going to laugh. i mean, of course it depends on the context and delivery, but the point is that it's not a big deal.
but if you said to someone... you're going to die tomorrow. ..or next week.
then it's not so funny.

i guess what i'm trying to articulate is that, most of the time, people just go through their lives without being fully aware of their mortality. but you have to think about how you're going to die.

how do i want to die???

am i going to wish i had more time, and be full of regret?

or am i going to die comfortable and satisfied?

am i going to feel like.. i wasted a lot of time..


will i feel like i did a lot, but none of it meant anything?

am i going to feel hollow? or will i feel content? ..and ready to move on?

it just puts everything into perspective.

it's like.. well. i should probably follow some of my own good advice... so i should practice-- when i'm faced with a problem or dilemma or what have you, i gotta ask myself-- if i died tomorrow, how much would this matter?

ilchi lee gave this really awesome lecture last sunday at the tenth anniversary festival of the sedona mago retreat center. he talked about life and death, the soul, and chunhwa.

i really hope we can share with a lot of people... it's like.... when you've got something really great, you want to share it. it's human nature. so when you've got the best thing in the world, in unlimited quantity... then you can enjoy the pleasure of sharing.

the korean language wields the power to turn whole paragraphs into a single adjetive.

(here the title is pretty much completely unrelated to the entry..)

한국이 그립다.

왜인지는 나도 정확하게 모르겠지만.. 아무리 미국에서 컸다해도 한국사람이라서..? 꼭 그런 건가... 지금도 한국어 자체는 항상 그렇게 편안하게 느껴지는 것도 아닌데..

하지만.. 그래도 그립니다. 처음에는 잘 몰랐는데... 고등 학교 때 한국에 방문했을 때엔 한국 사람들이 너무 많아서 충격 받았지. 길에는 사람들이 바글바글한데, 다 검정머리, 갈색 눈동자.. 피부색도 별로 안 다르고.. LA에서 살던 나에겐 너무 이상한 거였지.

그런데, 시간이 지날수록. 한국이 친숙하게 느껴지고.. 뭔가 마음이 편안하고... 그리고 좋다. 미국보다 더... 한국 땅이 정말 좋은 거야. 뭔가 말로 설명하기 힘든 데... 나의 내면에서 반응을 하나봐..

한국 문화랑 부딪히는 것도 많지만.. 사실 난 사고방식이나.. 언어도 그렇고... 여태까지 살아온 것도 있고 미국 식이 더 편하고 미국적인 것도 많겠지.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Will I ever see you again? / When can I see you again?

so now i'm just organizing my schtuff and my thoughts. it's all good. ^^

pooh님... hee

i've been thinking about my dad a lot recently. he called me... i guess it's already been a few years. gosh.. anyway, i missed the call, and he left his phone number, the last four digits of which were my birthday.
so, you know, i'm going through my old stuff, and i actually found that phone number.

i also found that it was from.. i think, like, three years ago.

anyway, i called it yesterday, but the number was out of service.

koream volume 18 no. 3

(from the cover story)

"Life itself is a performance. What I mean by that is just speaking English for me is a performance because it's a different system. My gestures and my face expressions are a little bit different than when I speak Korean. When I speak Korean there's less layers, but when I speak English there's one filter I have to get through. That filter makes me think I'm doing a performance. Performance doesn't mean acting. It's just not naturally coming from my personality. English for me is an artificial process.
People think I'm Korean American. I'm not at all. I don' teven have a green card. I'm Korean Korean. Which to me means I have to have a Korean boyfriend, speak Korean fluently, eat Korean food a lot and I have to watch Korean dramas. I have a lot of friends in Korea."
they did a whole article on Nikki S. Lee and her work and i don't think they ever mentioned Cindy Sherman. ha.

people keep blogs for all sorts of different reasons, for different purposes. i've been moving around so much, well--okay. let's put it this way. i've been organizing some of my accumulated stuff for the past few days or so, and i've decided to try to avoid doing that--accumulating objects. well, basically, i have trouble throwing stuff away, i guess. but that's not a good idea when you do a lot of moving around.

but i still have that.. innate human desire to make records. to create some sort of records of my life, maybe in case i forget i existed. i do that a lot, i mean, i just have trouble remembering things sometimes, and i'm not aware that i don't remember.

when i used to journal a lot and stuff, there were times when i wrote stuff down because i was afraid i wouldn't remember later what i had done with my time.

and there have been quite a few times where i would go through some old stuff i'd written, letters, journal entries.. the proverbial letters that never got sent, etc etc. and then i would have these moments of, 'oh my gosh... that's right...' those moments of remembering. issues i had with other people and myself, how they were resolved.

anyway. so my latest great idea was to record everything online. then i could have access to it whenever i wanted (on the condition that internet access is also available : P ) and i wouldn't have to carry or keep a zillion things on paper.

i empathized. hrmm.. well. what i feel isn't that strong a sentiment.. but anyway, with regard to what Nikki Lee says, i do feel the same thing. except i'm not Korean Korean. i'm definitely Korean American. i'm still not wholly comfortable with Korean... of course in some situations, i am, but in others.. i guess it depends on the level of the language and the context. naturally.. but sometimes, when i hear korean, it really is like i'm hearing it through some kind of diaphanous layer. like.. i do understand it... but i feel like some of the meaning escapes me somehow. with korean, it's not quite like a totally foreign language where i'm translating in my head. i mean, korean actually was my first language. what an odd bit of a mix/match i am. what a curious situation... but i think i rather don't mind sometimes. anyway... it's not always true, but there are definitely a lot of times when korean for me is not a natural process... i guess especially when i'm really tense or nervous. then it's hard to articulate myself even in english, let alone korean.
sometimes speaking is really scary. because.. i feel this immense pressure to say the right thing at the right time, but so often i can't find the right words, or i miss the window or opportunity. and i'm painfully aware that saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can be.. well. not so great.

people tell me i shouldn't care what other people think.

which is fine, but i just want to avoid hurting other people.. when others are in pain, i suffer.

totally random scratch

이모부 가게:
Sushi Sumo
1831 W. Redondo Bach Bl.
Gardena, CA 90247

dewy fragrance of morning grass
traslucent green ofsring
glowingwth the light of life
chases away melancholy

"I defnitely have some kind of paper fixation. Blank paper calls to me irresistibly. It aks to be filled with somethng, begs to be the site of creation. And something deep inside of me responds to that so strongly, though I don't know what it is."

"인간 완성과 인류의 평화를 위해
공헌하고 있는 사람들의 가슴속의 계신
당신은 정말 밝고

마음으로 사랑하라
If only I could find the original Korean for this..

Love With Your Heart

Love with your heart
Until your love becomes deep and true
Remaining silent and humble

Love with your heart
Giving charity in anonymity
Doing good without attention

Love with your heart
Do not give excuses when scolded
Do not shout back when shouted at
Learn the proper way to love

Love with your heart
Treat others with great kindness
Until your heart becomes the Kingdom of Love
And you its ruler

Love with your heart
Even when you are alone
And ostracized by others
Love silently with your heart

Love with your heart
When you are sad
When others make you anxious

Love with your heart
Overcome the trickle of pain that runs underneath
Just let them run their course
Never letting hate or criticism creep into your heart

Love with your heart
Give blessings and joy to those around
Love always with respect and a sense of dearness

Love with your heart
Everything in this world

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


today i finally got an oil change for my car, as well as a tune-up. and then i spent most of the day just.. organizing my stuff.
oh, this picture is from sunday. so... i'm back in sedona.
every once in a while, i wonder if i would have made it as an artist. and then i think, well, it's not like my life is over or anything.

Monday, June 2, 2008

getting comfy and cozy in limbo

so the last time i blogged was in late january... wow.

and now it's june.

what happened between january and june? oh gosh. so much...

i think the reason why i find that a lot of things that are really important to me, in terms of what's happening and what i think and feel--well there are plenty of reasons why i can't just post everything. i guess that's what biographies and autobiographies are for.

and i'm really lucky to have batman in my life. not the comic book hero or the movie protagonist, of course. but i'll just use that nickname *to protect his identity.*

one of the things i've been working on lately is loving without attachment. i've been working on a few things, i think.. but yeah, that's definitely one of them. in some ways, it's just so damn hard. and i guess, in other ways, it's nothing.

you know that enlightenment analogy where... well. everything's all dark, and you're in this prison, trying to get out. so you struggle and struggle and finally dig a tunnel or something or pry the bars apart or climb out through the window way up high, and then of course you realize after you get out that the key to the lock was hanging around your neck the whole time. something like that.


so i spent a little over a couple of months at a studio in las vegas, teaching classes, helping out, and so on.

and then... i disappeared for a week.

and then i came back to sedona.

i just spent the past week translating for DaeShinMyungJae.
oh, right-o--- and we had our tenth anniversary festival for the sedona mago retreat center, that was the same day that daeshinmyungjae actually started, but i didn't have to interpret for daeshinmyungjae until monday morning.

Seuseungnim's lecture on sunday was absolutely amazing!!! it was just really great.. i think about 300 people came, including the mayor of cottonwood.

anyway.. so the tenth anniversary festival was really great, and daeshinmyungjae was great, too. and it was just so nice to be in mago garden for the week.
i just got back yesterday.

as for getting comfy and cozy in limbo... i guess... some things are better left unsaid, at least for the time being.