Tuesday, September 4, 2007

article in Boston Magazine

There's this article...
I think it's in the September issue of Boston Magazine.
Anyway. I put a whole bunch of comments on it.
What can I say..?
There needs to be a fair debate, if a debate is really necessary.
I feel confident that given a fair chance, I could refute all the silly accusations... There was a link for this other freedom of mind website or something that had a study that was supposedly professional.. But when I looked it over, it didn't seem so "professional" at all.
The lady missed a lot of things.
People just have the wrong information about Ilchi Lee and Dahn Yoga and Brain Education...

Anyway. This is what I put:
Actually Ilchi Lee has co-written a book with a man designated as a national scientist in Korea.
He is the founder and president of the Korea Institute of Brain Science (KIBS), which received a unanimous vote to be designated as an NGO in Roster Consultative Status of the Economic and Social Council in the United Nations. The facts that support the positive impact of Brain Education are really overwhelming. The detention rate at a Native American reservation went down to 0% after the introduction of Brain Education classes.
DahnYoga, which uses Brain Education programs, simply helps people to use more than 5 to 10% of their brain’s potential. As I mentioned, the point is not to see with your eyes closed, but to use more of the brain. Those children also expand the capacity of their memory, enhance their imagination and creativity, and strengthen their physical bodies as well. It’s about learning to communicate with your own body and brain to become healthy, happy, and peaceful. People already know that there’s a lot you miss with just the five basic senses. And just like you can improve your sensitivity to anything with training (a dancer is more likely to be aware of her body than a trucker), with training, you can access parts of the brain that remain unused in most people.
Again, it is HSP – Heightened Sensory Perception. Anyone can do it, with the right training and practice. And actually, Ms. Clinton is not the only one who endorses Brain Education. 9 cities in the US have proclaimed a day in Ilchi Lee’s name. A Brain Education Week was announced in New York. Brain Education already has and continues to make a real and positive difference in the lives of many people, young and old.
The children do not judge each other; I’ve found that, normally, the contestants of a competition do not judge each other. Anyway, I think I’ve made it clear that the main point is not seeing with your eyes closed (which takes a lot of effort, by the way. It’s not something you can’t control.) The children who practice HSP say that they feel much more confident, especially when it comes to their academic ability (they remember and understand more, and it makes studying easier), that they feel happy, and that they realize they have conscious control of their emotions, thoughts, and actions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.