Sunday, August 26, 2007

the truth about Ilchi Lee

Dear Reader,

I am going to be upfront about this--
There's been a lot of negative press about Ilchi Lee, most of it unfounded and demonstrating sensationalism much more than the truth. It seems that sometimes people could care less whether something is true if it's dramatic and whatnot. So what I hope to do with my humble blog is to help rectify that situation by sharing the truth that I know and see and feel and experience. Because the real truth is far more touching.

Yesterday we left in the morning and arrived in Atlanta -- the "City of the Phoenix," I'm told. Atlanta is also the first city in the US to designate an "Ilchi Lee Day." Most recently, San Francisco became the ninth city to proclaim an Ilchi Lee Day. If you think about it, honestly, now that is no small feat. I mean, how many people can say that nine cities have designated a day in their name for their contributions?So today is a new day with a new beginning -- the beginning of my new blog, here on! How exciting~

There was an event yesterday, and there was another one today.

I have seen Ilchi Lee touch so many people's hearts so profoundly... it's incredible. I have never seen anyone else in my entire life who makes such an effort to show people how to have real happiness from inside. I think I could probably say that besides Ilchi Lee himself, not many people have the same privilege that I do of seeing how much people's faces change during his lectures. By the end of a lecture, the audience is so happy, faces bright, eyes shining with hope and energy. And then I can really feel hope for the world. I know there are a lot of people out there who are passionate and hard-working and honest and terrific and really care.. but there are times when you're faced with such tension with the people around you, and it makes you think about how people lose touch with themselves.

So what I plan to do is present something positive here-- good news, hope, good fortune, encouragement and motivation, all that jazz-- and I hope that I can begin to draw a more accurate picture than the one a lot of people seem to have. Here's the thing-- if the reason people have a negative opinion without knowing the whole truth is because there's a lack of positive information, then there's no excuse and this is my action.

No action, no creation.

Another new day, another new beginning

Here' s the first entry to my brand new blog. Yay!